Energy drinks have grown into a big industry today that is driven by innovation and scientific research. In changing from simple home-made recipes to scientifically advanced preparations, energy drinks have secured a fundamental role for themselves in the world of beverages.
From such a humble start, the energy drink market has undergone rapid changes that completely amaze us. With extensive research and development, these drinks now have enhanced types designed to add both energy and performance.
List of top energy drink MLM companies in the direct sales industry
Let us explore the main energy drink MLM companies in the market that have made consistent growth in the past few years. You will see that they are not only interesting to consumers but also profit greatly from changes in the market itself.
# | Company | Country | Revenue 2023 (in million USD) |
Revenue 2022 (in million USD) |
Growth Rate | Year Founded |
1 | Vida Divina | USA | 700 | 700 | 0% | 2016 |
2 | Le-Vel | USA | 350 | 350 | 0% | 2012 |
3 | Youngevity | USA | 147 | 147 | 0% | 1997 |
4 | Vivri | USA | 40 | 43 | -7% | 2014 |
5 | Legacy Global | Peru | 15 | 15 | 0% | 2016 |
Epixel MLM Software
Source -
Data updated in August 2024
*The above list is subject to market changes and modifications.
Explore the dynamics of top MLM companies that contribute to the growth of various sectors within the direct sales industry.
A glimpse of the leading energy drink MLM companies in 2024
Vida Divina
CEO : Armand Puyolt
Country : USA
Founding Year : 2016
Annual Revenue 2023 : $700 million

Vida Divina
CEO : Armand Puyolt
Country : USA
Founding Year : 2016
Annual Revenue 2023 : $700 million
Vida Divina is a multi-level marketing company based on the MLM energy drinks business. The company was founded in 2016 by a network marketing industry veteran, Armand Puyolt. Located in Ontario, California, this company has grown tremendously fast, currently reaching more than 50 countries around the world with a wide variety of MLM health products, making it different from other companies that manufacture energy drinks. Their primary products are teas, coffees, and energy drinks. Vida Divina attempts to empower people with extraordinary products, opportunities, and a community that is prepared to help all pursue health and financial independence.
Vida Divina energy drinks offer natural energy and focus, as well as a very health- and exercise-club-conscious market in general. Their most important products—such as Sculpt Latte with Reishi, Garcinia Cambogia, Factor Divina, etc.—are prepared on the basis of fruits and vegetables, including drinks with different kinds of medicinal mushrooms and antioxidants. With health being the number one priority of the business, they are most popularly used as energizing health drinks, causing them to fall on the list of top functional drinks.
CEO : Jason Camper
Country : USA
Founding Year : 2012
Annual Revenue 2023 : $350 million

CEO : Jason Camper
Country : USA
Founding Year : 2012
Annual Revenue 2023 : $350 million
Le-Vel is an energy drink MLM company with leading-edge energy drinks that has been growing fast with annual revenues reportedly running at about $450 million. One of the interesting things this company does differently is the usage of cloud-based technology, which has enabled it to streamline operations, enhance commission structures for its independent brand promoters, and be very successful in the competitive direct selling market.
Through its product line, like Thrive, Le-Vel has been able to make a prominent dent in the health and wellness space. Further, with general wellness as its high point and an overall excellent business model, the company is still growing with a loyal customer base.
CEO : Steve Wallach
Country : USA
Founding Year : 1997
Annual Revenue 2023 : $147 million

CEO : Steve Wallach
Country : USA
Founding Year : 1997
Annual Revenue 2023 : $147 million
Youngevity USA is one of the energy drink MLM companies founded in 1997 by Dr. Joel Wallach and his associates. Youngevity, with its base in California, works on a multi-level marketing model and provides more than 2,000 products: nutritional supplements, beauty products, and beverages. Their mission is health and wellness-oriented, with a wide array of quality products in their portfolio.
Part of Youngevity's energy drink lineup is Projoba Pollen Burst, a rather unusual beverage powered by flower pollen. It contains vitamin D and SOD to enhance energy and fight environmental stressors. It is naturally flavored with grapes.
Youngevity is just one of many companies operating within the highly competitive environment of an MLM. It has, over time, carved out a health and wellness niche for itself. The company pitches its products like they're dealing with a whole lifestyle transformation; thus, asking distributors to share their experiences and build their businesses by leveraging personal connections and social selling.
CEO : Daniel Chavez Saul
Country : USA
Founding Year : 2014
Annual Revenue 2023 : $40 million

CEO : Daniel Chavez Saul
Country : USA
Founding Year : 2014
Annual Revenue 2023 : $40 million
Vivri USA is an energy drink multi level marketing company with health and wellness products such as nutritional shakes, supplements, and energy drinks. Vivri is the MLM energy drink company based on the idea of living a healthy lifestyle by producing a unique product line to support overall well-being through essential nutrition. The company's direct sales model provides a platform for the attainment of financial independence by way of health promotion.
Vivri USA's marquee energy drink is Power Me!, a natural blend of green tea, yerba mate, and guarana. Containing ingredients that convey energy and a jolt of mental focus, it generally appeals to health-conscious consumers. Power Me! claims to be a refreshing drink alternative to most energy drinks on the market that are full of sugar and calories. Vivri focuses on essential nutrition and seeks to offer, through its products, the basis for healthy living while providing business opportunities with its multi-level marketing structure.
Legacy Global
CEO : Jeff Blas
Country : Peru
Founding Year : 2016
Annual Revenue 2023 : $15 million

Legacy Global
CEO : Jeff Blas
Country : Peru
Founding Year : 2016
Annual Revenue 2023 : $15 million
Legacy Global is a Peruvian energy drink MLM company founded in 2016 by Jeff Blas, Yener Yobera, and Jonathan Lozano. It's an energy drink MLM company producing and distributing numerous drinks in the energy drink, health and wellness industries. Grounded on the multi-level marketing model specifically, Legacy Global helps men and women maximize their full potentials, not just in health but also in finances through high-caliber products and healthy community support.
The product line contains the Legacy Energy Stick, developed to give the user an immense amount of energy and detox. Other products include detox, nutritional supplements, weight management products, and personal care forms. Legacy Global brings a sense of community to its distributors by increasing health improvements. For those who want a burst of energy and some potential detoxifying benefits, the Energy Stick by Legacy is phenomenal.
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The energy drink multi-level marketing stands to grow more as people become more self-conscious of their health while engaging in the different levels of activities that propel the sports and fitness industries. These energy drink MLM companies are frontrunners in this trend, presenting innovation with health-focused energy drinks in line with present consumer needs. Through the combination of quality products with direct selling activities, these companies facilitate ways for individuals to create a better life for themselves and to also feel some level of independence. As such, with a larger number of people already demanding healthy energy solutions, the future of the energy drink MLM sector is bound to grow with market expansion and enhanced innovation.
Disclaimer: Epixel neither promotes nor supports any of the companies mentioned in this article nor their products or services. The facts published here are represented as reported in the direct selling industry. The facts don't reflect our priorities. The article was compiled based on available resources and does not represent special mentions or priorities to organizations, persons, or products.
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