Join the 100+ companies using the Epixel platform

Manage and train your team with our easy to use online LMS!
We provide you a cloud-based LMS system which is fully customizable as per your requirements. Let the course seekers have a new learning experience. Our cloud-based learning management system comes with a vast set of features. Launch your learning courses with quick set-up option!
Everything under one platform - Epixel LMS Software
Manage and organize learning using a single system!
The ideation & your learning materials to kick start your online learning management system
Drag and drop your data modules or using a one-step upload option
Categorize courses as per your needs
Embed any sort of media to provide the best training – Audio, video, slides, PDF notes, etc.
Manage users by blending e-courses virtually and provide them with a classroom experience
Track the progress of every users chapter-by-chapter
Provide gamification and similar interesting features to make sure your learners aren't bored
Generate reports easily with our report generating system – individual profiles, group progress for a specific period of time – weekly, monthly, periodically or a custom time range
Provide certificates after completing the specific courses – A valid one!
Share the details on social media networks and let them know their achievement thereby establishing as an e-learning brand
Simplify teaching with the latest technology!
Take your learners to a new world of online classroom experience



Training organizations

No matter what the size or numbers be, as LMS vendors we’ve developed a unique system that can handle millions of individual profiles without any trace or flaws.

A globally accepted multi-language training platform
Basically, our system is capable of providing any globally accepted language output to the world of course seekers.
Case studies and success stories
Read from our customers how we have been helping MLM organizations stay one step ahead of rising competition and customer expectations.
What's special about Epixel's Learning Management System?
The features and advanced functionalities let the education to flow freely with a module-module approach!

Mobile-friendly eco-system
Our LMS system is built to perform well in all mobile devices regardless of its platform and compatibility.

Completely customizable
Complete LMS learning system is open for customizability and open for any changes as per the requirements.

Content Management System (CMS)
Manage the content of your course material using our CMS feature as well as just drag & drop to proceed further.

Business insights
Every data used in the e-learning system is used to analyze the learning flow, learner’s engagements, their progress, their performance analysis, how many have achieved the desired goal and much more. These data provide useful insights to the admin with accurate information.

Convenience & accessibility
We’ve designed the e-learning system in a way to suit every people regardless of their age and other factors. A simple design with access to all the navigation panels keeps our system more user-friendly and high performance!

Shielded with high-secure layers
To make sure there is no threat in terms of security, multiple layers of security measures are taken into consideration and compliance to such functionalities are also provided. From basic levels of security to critical data security is made sure by providing GDPR compliance, 2FA layer, etc.

Administrate & collaborate – Mark their online presence virtually!
Educators can easily manage their beloved students or employees or trainees using e-learning admin tools integrated with the package. Administrate complete training by providing useful tasks with collaborate assignments and projects model to make sure their activeness in the learning.
To go the extra mile!
To provide our customers with something more, we’ve to go that extra mile!
- It’s a matter of three steps –



Track learning
It’s a simple theory and excellent way to educate via a cloud-based LMS system. Our additional features section let you achieve your goals with much ease.
Internal customer tracking
Reduce training expenses
Pricing plans and any-payout system
Any API integration
Profile management
Report generation
Language switcher
File storage tool

A perfect system for your online learning management system, Isn’t it?
Epixel LMS Software Reviews
4.6/5 121 Google reviews
Excellent service, Approachable and supportive staffs. I always thought of implementing a new idea of online training for my distributors. And get proper tracking by setting goals.